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Friday, March 21, 2008

Greenspan Stands His Ground

Ex-Chairman Says Fed Policies Didn't Cause Current Woes

Alan Greenspan says global forces, not the Fed, were to blame for fueling the housing bubble. He also said that a market crisis was inevitable.

By Steven Mufson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, March 21, 2008; Page D01

The record of longtime Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan -- worshipped by business leaders and dubbed "Maestro" in a 2000 biography by The Post's Bob Woodward -- is getting a critical look as his successor Ben S. Bernanke wrestles with problems that began on the Maestro's watch.

Many economists blame Greenspan for lax bank supervision and for keeping interest rates too low, too long from mid-2003 to mid-2004. That, the theory goes, fueled the housing bubble and spawned subprime and adjustable-rate mortgages for low-income people, vast numbers of whom can't make their payments now. Banks bought those mortgages in bundles that are worth far less than they originally were. That has led to big write-offs, shaking the entire financial system.

In an interview yesterday, Greenspan said the Fed wasn't to blame. He said that global forces beyond the control of the Federal Reserve had kept long-term interest rates low, fueling the housing bubble earlier this decade. "Those who argue that you can incrementally increase interest rates to defuse bubbles ought to try it some time," he said. "I don't know of a single example of when interest rate policy has been successful in suppressing gains in asset prices." ... Read the Entire Article

Publisher's Notes: The "global forces" he is referring to are his global masters.

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